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My journey with meditation & yoga has been evolving  for over 25 years, exploring an exquisite array of practices, technique & lineages. In my experience the practices of Yogic Meditation  - including yoga nidra (yogic sleep) pranayama (breathwork), ajapa japa (internal mantra) & antar mouna (mindfulness) - coupled with a technique for self study, such as fellowship, journaling & therapy -  is a system of profound self transformation. I dearly love these practices, a alchemical mix of simple techniques that (if given due time) will transform you mind, body & soul - it’s a sure fire system for experiencing samadhi - in a way that is subtle, steadfast and sustainable. As I progress further as a teacher & a student, I hope to go deeper & share wider the practice & experience available with this ancient system of personal wisdom. Please take a look a my little video, it’s my pleasure to share, would love to hear your thoughts!
