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I'd love your feedback

Hey everyone :) I'm missing all your faces after getting to see you all every day for a week. 

I decided to throw myself in the deep end this week and offer a live 10min Mindfulness & Breathwork session every weekday this week via instagram for one of my businesses. Most of the people who follow this account are parents or school teachers so I just wanted to offer something very basic to help them tune in and chill out at the start of their day. 

It's been a long time since I've taught yoga to adults so I'm super out of practice and I'm not a morning person so making words flow at that hour is an additional challenge. But that's enough disclaimer, I'd really love your honest feedback to help me improve my teaching.

You can find the first 2 sessions here: https://www.instagram.com/funfitjf/channel/

Keep in mind I'm assuming this might be the very first time anyone following has done anything like this.

Feel free to join me at 8:30am tomorrow on instagram.... though I'll probably be nervous if you're there ;)  Mostly I'd love some feedback from you.

Thanks, see you Sunday. Jade <3 x

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Replies (9)
    • Go you!!! That's so awesome Jade, I missed you today but I'll tune in next week for sure. Love your work 🙌🏻

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      • Thanks Mark. Just tomorrow and the next day left. I'm definitely noticing some things aren't coming out as planned but at least I can also use the video recordings and participate in the practice to see what works and doesn't work too. A teacher wrote to me yesterday and said she and her whole Grade 6 class participated in the 1st session and they loved it. Yay! The recordings are all sitting there in the IGTV.

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      • I just did your Kaya Stharium & Nadi Shodhana Practice - it was wonderful - I love the use of language, it felt like a truly embodied practice, exactly what I needed for a mid morning reset - thank you soooo much!

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        • Thanks Mark! I'm glad you think the language was good, it's something I feel I need to practice a lot more. It's been so long and I'm used to being fun and sassy when teaching adults these days. I learnt this morning that demonstrating FYB while trying to explain it at the same time is verrrry difficult. Gotta learn things the hard way sometimes, haha. 

          Yes it's really hard to narrate pranayama whilst practicing it, particularly whilst inhaling lol -  but you can use your hands as a visual reference which can be helpful. Ultimately a meditation / yoga teachers toolkit are all of our 'phrases' that we can use to describe how to do something. That's why having a personal practice & not relying on scripts is essential. And whilst I can give you all of the guidance and advice that I can muster, the only way to truly become a teacher is to teach. I'm impressed, keep it up, Aum & Prem.

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          • Thanks Mark, it's so true that we learn how to become better teachers by actually doing the teaching. I just taught nadi shodhana (stage 1) to a few groups of 10-12 year olds today and they really surprised me by totally getting it and not looking confused or unengaged. Extra difficult over Zoom too! I had them start with their eyes open and practicing the hand technique with just a couple of breaths before we moved into eyes closed. Some of them wrote in the chat at the end that it was their favourite part of the yoga class. Heart cartwheel <3

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            •  Heart cartwheel <3

              Bless those heart cartwheels.... 💚🤸🏼‍♂️ 

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            • That was beautiful Jade. Lovely clear instructions felt really light afterwards.  The great breathing tool, what was that called and where did you get that from Id like to buy one as a great visual.
              liz 🌻

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              • Naww thanks Liz, I really appreciate you taking the time to try one of the sessions out and give me feedback <3

                It's a Hoberman sphere. I learnt about it in the kids yoga course I did. It's definitely a great tool to give adults a visual for the balloon belly breath too because not everyone can fully imagine the balloon.

                I get the kids to breathe while I move it, so then it becomes like a game for them. But just a few times so then they can move into breathing at a pace they're comfortable with and with their eyes closed.


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